Oct 18, 2013

Kitchen Organization: The Pantry

When we moved into our house one of the things I loved about the house was the pantry. In our previous apartment we had zero pantry storage. Yes, zero. We quickly managed to fill up our pantry. Here's a post from 2010, a little over a year after we moved into our house. I had totally forgotten how bad it had gotten. 

Since that organizational project I've tried to clean it out about once a year. The last time was just this past January so I knew it wouldn't be too bad this go around. 

Here's what it looked like when I started: 

And the after: 

Nothing too dramatic. I just straightened things up and got rid of expired items. Over the years I've developed "homes" for pantry staples so I didn't really revise that. 

When was the last time you cleaned out your pantry? 

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