Since I started this project our working situation has changed and now we're both at home. Bryan part time, me full time. I'm loving this change, but being at home and working with Bryan in his business just highlights how badly our office needs help. So we'll be focusing in this room for a few days at least.
First up, our files! For the first few years of marriage I was pretty good about cleaning our the files at the beginning of each year. I'd put away the previous years bills and paperwork in the attic with the other years. But I sort of let it slide the last two years. Whoops!
So I took out all the files and started pulling out anything that wasn't 2013. Our financial and personal files are a bit more complicated than they were just a few years ago so I decided to come up with a new system.
Green files for financial information: bank accounts, 401k's, stock, etc
Yellow for bills - I decided to keep this close to the front as both green and yellow are the most often filed.
Red for important stuff: car information, 2013 tax information, etc
Blue for pay stubs
Orange in the back for miscellaneous stuff like a file on our house or for travel clippings.
Behind the files I keep an envelope for recipes for the year. Further in the back in our deep, deep filing cabinet is files for our neighborhood association (of which we are presidents), and files I keep of wedding and shower invitations.
It feels so much better to have the paperwork contained!
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