We have a small closet in the guest room/office just outside of this room where I store my off season clothing. Most of my pieces can be worn year round, but I typically store the shorts or sweater there in their off seasons.
A year ago I started switching the hangers to hang the wrong way when I change out the seasons. This is a tried and true organizational tip. At the end of six months or year you know what you haven't worn by what is still hanging backwards. This method only works if you commit to it.
A few weeks ago, realizing that the summer was drawing to a close I went through my clothes and pulled out the ones still hanging backwards. It was time to be ruthless. Anything that didn't pull on my heartstrings got thrown in the give away pile. I was left with 5 pieces I was having a hard time getting rid of. So I declared them on probation. If I didn't wear them by the end of the next week they were gone. I wore two of those pieces. The rest... they're leaving on the next car ride to Goodwill.
Bryan pulled down my bins of scarves and gloves. They are at the top of the wooden wardrobe for right now as it is not cold enough to warrant a cardigan right now. But if it suddenly becomes cold I'm prepared.
I was kind of surprised when I opened the guest bedroom closet (it is a rarely opened door) and saw how little winter clothes I had. At the end of last winter I was really ruthless. But this is a good thing. 10 years ago I would have been horrified by such a small winter wardrobe, but now, I'm okay with it.
A few years ago I made a point to try to buy more classic, durable clothing as opposed to many disposable pieces. It's serving me well as many pieces have lasted me several years. You don't need a ton of clothes, just the right ones.
Tomorrow we'll talk about knowing what to keep, what to toss, and how to build a better wardrobe.
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