Welcome to my closet:
One of the great selling points of our home is this little back room in which I've claimed as my own. Bryan calls it Rachel World. If it had a reading chair and book storage I'd be tempted to never leave this room. It's probably for the best...
This room changed not that long ago when Bryan built this upcycled storage unit. He drew inspiration from one of his accounts who had done a similar project. Who was I to say no?
The vanity and desk offer more storage in this room but mostly stores random things like some jewelry, camera equipment, photo albums, and random odds and ends. Honestly I don't really know. It's ridiculous. I probably should simplify and get rid of the desk so that the room is more open. But that's another challenge for another day.
Over my years as an clothes horse I've had several systems of organizing my clothes. By color, sleeve length, mood, etc. Here's my current system:
Shirt rack contains shirts organized my sleeve length and then by color. Main rack containing bottoms (skirts, shorts, and pants), dresses, blazers, and sweaters.
When I'm thinking about getting dressed I first take weather into consideration. Then I decide on whether or not I feel like separates or dresses. If it's dresses I can go straight to the dress section. If I'm feeling separates it can one of several ways:
- am I feeling like one certain piece? (usually after buying something new I'll want to wear the new piece and that drives the outfit)
- Do I feel like wearing pants or a skirt? (Tell me I'm not the only one who wakes up thinking about if it's a skirt or a pant day?)
Once I've addressed these questions I start building from the piece I have chosen. So take yesterday morning. I felt like pants for some reason. Who knows why.... I don't ask myself these kinds of questions because I don't have the energy to open that can of worms. I pulled out the pants I decided on and hung them from the hook at the front of the wardrobe (you can see the pants hanger still hanging there). Then I browsed the top section. Our high was supposed to be about 75 so I figured maybe a 3/4 sleeve top would be a good choice. Not too summery and light, but not too hot either. Having the shirts by sleeve length has just worked for me, so I haven't messed with that method in about 10 years.
Over the next few days we'll straighten up this mess, change out summer to fall clothes, working on knowing what to get rid of, and hidden storage!
Love that you have your own dressing room!
I'm a lucky girl!
Thanks for stopping by!
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