Oct 11, 2016

Garden Update

On Mondays I often post a garden update, mostly for myself to look back on and see how my garden grows. This year I'm sharing a plot at Shelby Farms with my grandfather. 

It wouldn't be Monday without a trip to the garden. It was a cool morning (60s!) and I had a busy to-do list for the day, so Charlie and I just watered. We picked a handful of okra, checked on the butternut squash, and watered freely. 

Charlie was precious today, he wanted to hold the hose while I watered. He's been very big into helping lately. I'm trying to embrace it and not fight it, even if it takes a little bit longer. 

Animal poop is NOT what you want to see in your garden.

Hello greens... and grass.

Finally found out that turnips are in the left row and kale in the other two. That's a whole lotta greens! 

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