If you ever want to feel bad about your trim or windows, try cleaning them. Good Lord, mine are awful. Part of the problem being this is a 94 year old house and also I do not know when they were last sanded and painted. All I can say is wow. The bad news is that I have no plans to paint the trim right now. Me and oil paint are not friends, especially since I'm pregnant. All I can hope is that the magical trim fairy comes to visit and fixes it all. A girl can wish...
Without further ado, here is what we are now working with: (in cell phone pictures)
This is the view from the hall doorway. The crib and changing table need to be put together. And it just dawned on me as I am writing this that I will need to choose crib bedding in the near near future. Yikes!
Excuse the awful lighting. For some reason this room is hard to photograph. We have two windows on this wall that desperately need to be repainted, but won't for the time being. Unfortunately the window unit has to stay until we can have central air put in. (I'm hoping for the next year or so.) I'm working with my mom on custom window treatments. We will make a decision on Friday. It will either be drapes or roman shades. Moms, what do you prefer in a nursery? Black out fabric is a must of course.
This wall will likely be the home to the crib once it's set up. For now we've placed a few items that are likely to live in the room. The dresser is actually Bryan's Grandpa Charles' dresser. I think its sweet that our Charles is inheriting his Great Grandpa Charles' dresser.
For perspective, outside Charlie's room is a small hallway to the bathroom and our room, the kitchen, and just past the kitchen our dining room.
This wall is opposite the windows. We had the plaster repaired on this wall a few weeks ago. Now that I'm looking at the picture the closet door is also in really poor shape. The mirror was left in the house by the previous owner and I've always hated it because of the purpley tones. We are going to try to spray paint it and use it in the room. For now it and the storage bin are my make shift full length mirror until we can get one for my closet.
To Do:
- Prime and paint walls
- Select rug
- Make a decision on window treatment and order
- Get potential chair, ottoman, and bookcase from my mom's house and storage unit
- Set up crib and changing table
- Choose and purchase crib bedding
- Access further needs
- Accessorize!
Next week I hope to have made a bigger dent on the above list. At the very least selecting the rug and window treatments and purchasing paint if not starting on the painting process.
For now though, I'm pretty pleased that it's empty and the walls, windows and trim are as clean as they are going to be.
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