Well I have gotten a few things done this past week. I thought I'd break it down diary style this week.
Thursday - yeah, nothing happened in or with this room.
Friday - met up with my mom and visited a local carpet and flooring store, Kiser's, to shop for remnants. They have two locations and we hit up both as they have different items at different locations. I snapped pictures of favorites so I'd remember. Here are a few.
I was in love with the doe print to the right, but it was already on hold and also Bryan hated it.
We ultimately decided on this brown for the nursery. It's incredibly durable and will hide stains well. I didn't think about this initially, but a white or cream would just be too much white/cream in that room with the white furniture and cream trim.
With the carpet chosen we nailed down drapery fabric and Mom has placed that order.
The bulk of the drapery will be the sand color with several inches of the patterned fabric on the trim vertically and horizontally. This was cost effective and also wouldn't be too overwhelming visually.
Saturday - Bryan's parents came over and helped Bryan set up the crib and changing table. We got these from my aunt's mother-in-law. Yay for free!
The Jenny Lind style coincidentally matches the child-size rocking chair that I got from my grandmother's house.
Bryan and I are both blown away that there is a crib in our house. For a baby. This is weird stuff, you guys.
Sunday - Bryan's running partner texted early in the morning asking if we wanted some of their old baby furniture. We brought home the below rocker and another changing table.
We aren't sold on the Jenny Lind style table because a) open storage and b) it might be too matchy matchy. So now we've got options. And I've got a recover project on my hands.
Monday - I was too tired from Friday decisions and weekend set ups and moves to think about this room. The glider is my new favorite talking-on-the-phone chair though. Can't wait to beef up the cushioning on this baby.
Tuesday - Spent time on Pinterest looking at cribs. Confession: I know nothing about babies. I've reached the point where any and all nursery pictures I look at closely to see what is on the crib and changing tables. What are nursery essentials? It looks like all I need for the crib is a basic fitted sheet. Bumpers and skirts are optional. (Please correct me if this is wrong!) So my plan for the crib linens is to just do basic white for crib sheet and then find a pretty pretty fabric and make a bumper and skirt.
Wednesday - fabric shopping day! Otherwise known as the day I over thought things and gave myself a headache and then came home and finished off the Chunky Monkey. Ha. I wish I was joking. My mom recommended a local fabric store, Johnson's Fabric, which was a hike from my house, but ended up being worth going to. Many of the fabric stores are either too expensive or too cheap. This was the nice middle ground. I ended up liking a fabric in their remnant section which was $4 a yard. You can't beat that!
Next week I'll get into my fabric selection, but it feels good to make some progress this week. My goal for next week is to have started if not finished painting the room. Wish me luck!
Love the Jenny Lind so much and the carpet/fabrics you've chosen are fabulous.
Your in Memphis???? I am in Germantown!!! Can't wait to see your little space come together!
The fabrics you've chosen are beautiful! It looks like it's going to come together nicely. Can't wait to see more :)
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