One reason I'm participating this year is that the schedule perfectly aligns with the schedule we've set for ourselves to get Charlie's room done. Well, really we could stretch it out a few weeks towards Thanksgiving, but why not keep ourselves accountable by setting a six week due date?
Bryan starts traveling in early November and won't stop until Charlie is here. December gets a bit crazy with family birthdays and holiday events so we have intended to get the nursery done around Thanksgiving all along. That way we can get all the major stuff out of the way in time to enjoy the holidays and before I can no longer get off the couch without assistance. Side note: I wonder all the time how in the world I'm going to function when Bryan is out of town while I'm 8 and 9 months pregnant. How will I get off the couch? Should I just not sit down? These are things I think about.
Anyways, the last two to three months we have been busy getting the rest of the house ready. I fully intend to start sharing pictures of these spaces in the next week or so. We've worked out butts off and are taking this week as a little break to rest and travel to New York to see my bestie. Next week though, it's full steam ahead!
Let's take a trip down memory lane and see how this room has looked in the past. Of all the rooms in our house, this one has changed over and over and over again. I sort of feel sorry for it.

This is the one picture I have of it before we moved in. It was a sunshine yellow.
Here we are about a month or so after we moved in. We had painted it Blonde by Sherwin Williams and used it as a catch all room.
In 2010 we got it set up as a fully functioning guest bedroom. The only guests we had were Bryan's brother and sister-in-law who lived with us for a couple of months.
But then Bryan became a sales rep and used this room as his office. It was usually trashed with boxes and samples.
So then late last fall I found this antique Murphy bed that I intended to restore and use as a guest bed when needed.
I really tried to make this room work as his office and still slightly presentable. But it never really worked.
When we met with a designer this summer he had some great suggestions for Bryan's office situation which freed up this room to become the nursery. You want to see the most recent picture of the space?
Yup. Here it is only two weeks ago. I apologize for the poor camera phone picture. To capture the progress of the bump and the room we are taking monthly pregnancy pictures in here. (I'll have to share those in another post.) The above picture is not the official 20 week picture, but best captures the state of the room. Even Roux is dismayed.
Once again this poor room became the dumping ground as we worked on other spaces. We had our handy man out and he did some work on the plaster in this room as you can see a hint of it behind me.
So what's the plan?
- Paint
- Rug
- Window treatment
- Baby stuff
We've selected a paint color: Surf Green by Sherwin Williams and as you can see below, I have a favorite fabric for window treatments.
We already have the crib and changing table. I think we have a dresser and bookcase we will use. My mom has a chair in storage that might work with our colors, but I haven't seen it yet.
So that's the very loose plan. We will be out of town the next five days so I'm not really sure what will get done before next week's post. Perhaps I shall do some shopping in New York.
Thanks for stopping by! I look forward to watching this room change - for the better.
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