Aug 22, 2016

Garden Update

Last weekend my grandfather went to the plot and mowed down the weeds and tilled up some rows for fall plantings. It looked like this a week from today: 

And then it rained. All week. Even when I was there last Monday to pick a few things it was sprinkling. Today was the first day the roads were dry enough to even attempt getting to the garden. Some roads to the plots were not passable. Our plot is fortunately in an area where the roads are alright. 

After a week of rain.

I think it's safe to say these tomatoes are done. 

Paprika peppers

The okra grew. A bunch. 

Animal tracks

Hornworms and caterpillars have pretty much decimated my tomatoes. 

I found two of these buggers. 

My harvest. 3 tomatoes, 2 paprika peppers, and a ton of okra, half of which is edible.

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