We kicked off the holiday weekend on Friday, I stayed home from work to rest up and ended up at the Harvest Christmas party.
Saturday I cooked all day and Sunday after church did some more cooking. We had the Grubbs family over for a good pasta dinner.

Saturday morning Bryan and I opened presents we bought for each other.
The Baddorfs came over for brunch at 10:30. We kicked them out in time to go to the Christmas Eve service at Independent. Afterwards we went to Panda Garden for the required Mitchum Chinese feast.

Christmas Morning we woke up early as we had a big day ahead of us. We did stockings and Santa presents for the kids before showering.
Poor Roux was a little confused, but Motley knew what to do. (Tigger was hiding in the guest room.)
After getting our stuff together we went to my parents house to do our Christmas with them.
We then went over to Gram and Gramp's house to open presents with them. Afterwards we went to Bo and Lisa's house for my favorite meal of the year.
Due to an earlier meal we were home a little after 5 pm and had the evening to ourselves which was really nice.

It was a great Christmas, busier than I would have liked, but good. We have so much to be thankful for.
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