Our handsome man is become more bold in coming out from under the guest bedroom bed. This morning he was wandering around the dining room towards the living room without a care in the world until he saw Roux laying on the couch and started backing away slowly. It was pretty cute to watch.
Motley is the same as always.

The annual mother's day bouquet acquired from the farmer's market.

I got a new app.

which has caused a new unhealthy obsession with said app.
I've been playing with this setting on my camera that is good for speed (supposedly). This is the best one I've gotten so far. I love the flying Roux picture. Look at the ears!

I sent this to Bryan when he was in CO.

Bryan texted me this picture while at work one day. This, my friends, is the cutest picture that has ever been taken. In the whole world.

A new season kicked off last week at the Levitt Shell.

We attended one last game at the Grindhouse. The Spurs swept the Grizz in the Western Conference Finals. It was sad to see them lose, especially in the Grindhouse, but it was such an incredible season. It makes me weepy thinking about it.
We had a big Memorial Day weekend party at our house this past Sunday. I failed to take any pictures. Oh well...
More posts coming up from Nick and Meg's wedding and the last LuniTects tour.
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