Aug 22, 2012

Project 365 note to self

2012 marks the second year that I've done project 365. I've done pretty well on not forgetting. So far this year I've missed two days. I think last year there was three or so.

This year I thought about doing a theme, but that quickly went away. Last night I was updating the photobook I make for the project. The quality difference between my cell phone and dslr is kind of ridiculous. See?

August 13th: cell phone photo

August 14th: taken with the Nikon

So for 2013 I'd like to attempt to take all 365 photos with my dslr. It will be tricky since it's not as easy to tote around, but I think it will help me develop photography skills and be a bit more creative.

So I'm posting this as a written record to remember look back and laugh at myself.

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