Jan 30, 2010

Cabin Fever

Yesterday, Memphis experienced a bunch of winter weather. I was homebound (sick) and the husband joined me for the majority of the day. Today the roads are bad and we're not going out. While I'm content to sit in my pj's, lounge around all day reading magazines and books, playing sudoku, and just looking out the window with a glass of water. Others are not. Specifically the husband and the dog.

Since its so cold and icy out, I feel bad letting Bosco stay outside for any length of time. So I've been trying to keep her in and she's about to drive me crazy. Normally we give her a bone and she's content to chew for a while. But she went through three bones yesterday before getting tired of it. She is constantly roaming the house, trying to find something she can do to get herself into trouble. She is always successful at this.

The husband wants to know what we're doing next. What we're doing tonight. At least I don't have to chase him through the house. He's played Wii, we've watched episodes and movies. He's been for runs and helped in the kitchen.

Essentially... my cohabitants have cabin fever. And I think I catch it in waves. A little while ago I found myself vacuuming and polishing the stainless steel in the kitchen. Odd, I know. But I would be nice to get some things done in all this free time, I suppose.

Wouldn't it be nice if they would catch my laziness? I think so.

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