Last year on my birthday I listed some goals for myself for the year in this post. As my 28th year is wrapping up I thought it would be a good time to look back the year and see how I did. So here goes...
- Drink more champagne. I started off strong, but have not been as diligent the last few months. Before the year sparkling wines were totally off my radar, now they are now. Here's to more sparkly beverages!
- Host 12 gatherings. Done! We had family gatherings, holidays, and dinner parties. It was a fun year and I'm so glad I challenged myself to host.
- Wear sequins. Fail. Didn't happen.
- Stop listening to other people's advise. I'm not sure about this one. I am living a pretty abnormal life right now, so maybe that worked. It certainly contributed to my last employment not working out! Which is kinda funny now that I think about it. So maybe I did a good job at the goal... we're just not sure if it's a positive step.
- Listen to music LOUD! Fail. Music is going to be a bigger goal for next year.
- Visit 5 breweries or distilleries. We took care of this one with our Asheville trip.
- Read 15 books (3 of which need to be non-fiction). Done! I've actually completed 51 books this year! I can't believe it. There have been some really amazing books I've read this past year. I'm thinking about doing a post on just books alone soon. If I don't get around to it, just ask me and I'll be happy to share a few of my favorites.
- Raise hell. Meh. Not sure how I did on this one since it's kind of ambiguous, but I tried to think out of the box and out of my comfort zone more than normal this year.
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