When we looked at the house the previous owner had a large free standing hanging rack in the room and I was instantly in love. With the room and the house. Sold!
We've lived in this house nearly six years in December (yikes!) and it has functioned as my closet ever since. Here are some previous closet blog posts:
Cheap hanging racks are cheap for a reason.
Bryan built me an up-cycled wardrobe last year.
Last October when I started the 31 Day Challenge and organized the closet.
As of July this year it looked like this:
We jokingly called it Rachel Land. I loved this room, but it was busy and cluttered.
After we met with the designer about making our house my function better for us and making room for baby, we worked with Incognito Closets on a custom closet solution. We knew we would have to keep Bryan's samples in this room as well, so we left one wall open to him and utilized two other walls for my things.
Here we are after:
I'm utilizing the top of the system to house craft supplies, items I sell on eBay, and shipping supplies. Because of how functional the system is I was able to move everything in to the drawers and shelves that was previously in a dresser in our bedroom. Everything I need to get dressed is all in one location!
I even carved out a little space to put on makeup. Granted, I still need a mirror in order for that to happen in here!
I'm so pleased with the space, but it's not done yet! I want an area rug to soften the space. I'd really love an oriental or kilm, but for now we are going with a carpet remnant until I can find just the right thing. I've also ordered a valence for the window that will tie into the treatment in Charlie's room. Some art might be nice as well.
Just a few little things to do, but it makes a huge difference. Plus, it will add value to the home should we ever decide to move.
Have you ever worked with a professional closet solution company? What do you think?
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