Apr 27, 2015

Garden update Monday

Good morning. 

Early last week I planted new herbs I purchased at the plant sales: pineapple mint, lemon verbena, marjoram, dill, cilantro, tarragon, and curry! 


Sage and oregano from last year, newer herbs to the right. 

Herbs! I love the cinder block holes for planting herbs. 

It may be hard to see above but asparagus is starting to come up! In 2-3 years I'll have a harvest we can eat!

Some potatoes are sprouting. I need to add more dirt to this bucket. 

Tomatoes! On the right I purchased another Jet Star from a plant sale. It did great for us last year but I totally forgot to save seeds. 

Lettuce! Pretty soon I can make a salad! Fresh home grown lettuce is so tender. 

The pepper seeds I planted had shown no activity so I planted some more on Tuesday. On Saturday I saw this:  

The first seeding starting to pop out of the original pepper tray. I'm still not expecting much from this tray, but it was a nice surprise. 

I don't have too much planned for this week other than weeding and watering.  Pretty soon though it will be time to get things in the ground. 

What is happening in your garden?

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