May 30, 2016

Still Here, but in a new House

Just wanted to pop in and say we're still here. We're alive and well.

On Friday we closed on the houses. Said goodbye to Midtown life and unloaded our belongings in Germantown, TN.

Thank goodness for long weekends because I have no idea what day it is and I'm still not ready to go back to regular life. But alas, today we do. Sigh.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If you are in the market for a new house, consider something I had to learn the hard way. The final walk-through means the house should be broom swept and ready to go. When it wasn't I gave the sellers a pass only to show up hours later with the house looking like a bomb went off and I was left to clean up these pigs mess.

Margaret @ Boston North Shore Real Estate