I hate starting a new blog, mainly because you have to set it up and come up with a catchy title, as well as a first post that isn't too "first post-y".
Long Pause: I forgot I had laundry to fold/hang upstairs, damnit}So I guess I should tell you a little bit about myself. I'm a recent college graduate, even more recent newlywed. I have a job which I may/maynot talk about (okay, probably more likely than not I'll be talking about my job - I'll try not to get myself fired for it). I like in THE most awesome apartment ever with my loving husband, who we'll refer to for privacy sake (but which I'll end up forgetting to do more than half the time), the Baddass. It is spelled that way for a reason, and its not cursing if its the truth. I don't mean in the goat way, he's an all around bad ass and I love him for it.
I don't want to reveal too much for now, because what would that leave us to talk about later on?